Tuesday, April 6, 2010

*pops up* I'M OKAY!!!

Blargy blarg blarg blarg. I have been a very bad blogger of late, I apologize. It's just things haven't been all that great, I didn't want my negativity to infect my blog. However, I finally had the mental breakdown climax that we've all been waiting for, so now I can move on and build up once again.

However, good things are starting to happen, and I'm really starting to see my life unfold before me- and let me tell you, it's quite exciting.

For one- I have a prospective job at the Oakdale theatre. Concert and event planning is something that I want to do when I graduate- I would love to work at the T.D. Banknorth in Boston, or some other large concert venue arranging shows and working with bands. So this is a big break for me- even being able to WORK at a venue, even as some lowly grunt, is a dream come true. But since I've got so much dang experience with organizing music events in my school, things are looking up. I'll just have to do some serious music cramming before my interview :)

I can't wait to go to college, get an internship, fall in love, get a kick-ass job, get married, get a house, etc. etc. Life is so full of good things, and I'm really loving what's going on right now. Even though 4th quarter of senior year is the quarter from HELL (because you realize, "Hey, I don't have to be nice to these people anymore. TIME TO BURN SOME BRIDGES M**********RS!!!!!"

Oh well. 48 days and counting until liftoff. And here we go.

Kayla Mary

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm normally not this serious, but I'll give it a shot.

Hellooo...I know I haven't been around for a while, but a TON of things have been going on, and I really just haven't felt like writing lately.

Now, I really don't like to be serious (I MEAN REALLY DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. I find it extremely challenging) But there is one subject I want to lay out here.

Now, growing up, I was part of a very close Irish Catholic family. I have 11 cousins on my mom's side, and we're all so close they might as well be brothers and sisters. We would always go see each other on long weekends, and stay for a week at a beach cabin in Narragansett Rhode Island.

Now the cousins I was closest with were my older cousins - Sara, Pete and Pat. Pete is quite older than me, Sara is a little older, and Pat is only 3 years older than me. Needless to say, I looked up to them, and I still do. I wanted to be just like my cousins when I was older, and they loved me and my sister a lot too.

But, as we got older, we started to see each other less and less (as the teen years go- we often become quite egocentric) and I lost touch with them, since they were in high school and college whereas I was in middle school.

I grew up very happy, carefree, never having experienced death. I was a very lucky kid.

But then 2 years ago, on September 16th 2008, Pat died. He was 19 years old.

I was devastated. Everything I thought I knew was ripped apart. I felt like my heart had been torn out of my body. I was so guilt striken, that I had lost touch with him, that I had never had a chance to see him one last time, it quite nearly tore me into pieces. It was really hard to handle- there was no explanation, no meaning to his death. One day he just went to sleep and wouldn't wake up.

My first death, so needless, so young- I was ripped apart. And no one could understand. He had loved life so much- been so carefree, so loving, so excited for life. He was a photography major at the Art Institute of Boston, and has taken some of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen.

Fast forward 7 months later. It's April, and some of Pat's photos had been published in a magazine his college puts out. It was overwhelming, that he would never see this honor, and it broke my heart again. I was sitting outside crying like I was back at the wake, telling my best friend how much I wished I could have a sign that he was okay and watching over me.

Not 3 minutes later, in the evening sky, A "P" formed out of clouds was right above my house.

Now, you maybe not believe in what I believe, but that turned me 360 degrees around. I was able to stop being sad all the time, and look forward to my life. And althought I still miss him every day, It is unbelivably comforting to know that there's someone out there who's watching over me and always got my back.

Today is Pat's brithday. He would be 21.

Please, learn from my story. Reach out to those around you- make sure they know you love them. Because you never know when they'll be gone. Life is beautiful. Never forget that.

Love and miss you forever Pat. May you rest in peace. <3

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Could Be Wrong, But Those Pigs Appear to be Flying.

Seriously. It has been UNREAL lately- freaking 70 degrees! in CONNECTICUT. IN FREAKING MARCH. UNHEARD OF I TELL YOU!!!

Which is my poor explanation of why I haven't posted recently. I've been frolicking a ridiculous amount, I apologize if you felt shifted. :)

I was able to run my favorite v-neck tee, necklace and go BAREFOOT so I was a very happy Kayla Mary.

but other than run around aimlessly I did find 2 new bands that I am greatly enjoying-
Florence + the Machine and The Orphan, the Poet. Check them out, they are definitely worth a listen. And The Orphan, the Poet is so nice! We had a twitter conversation and they started tweeting hearts! HEARTS! I love indie bands, they are always so shocked to find they have hardcore fans. And then they love you and send you nice things. :D

Alright, I have to go chase some dumb juniors away from my house (they keep driving by!! stalkers. Luckily for me, I've got a broom.)

Kayla Mary

Monday, March 15, 2010

The one where I completely lose my head over the Pomegranates

Have I mentioned that I love the Pomegranates? Because I would like to make that perfectly clear. I LOVE the Pomegranates. LOOOVVVEEEE. Like, ice-cream-cake-with-Reese's-peanut-butter-cups love. And trust me, that's a lot of love.

You know how you'll always have that band that is YOUR band? Well that's the Pomegranates for me. I discovered them about a year ago, and wow. Just wow. This band was unlike anything I had heard- really interesting and different sounds, lyrics, and beats. Since then, I have collected all the songs I can- and it's been quite the fun challenge to try and find the rare live versions of songs as well as unreleased singles from their Woxy.com interview! If you ever find yourself bored at the computer, you go right to iTunes and you LISTEN. You listen to the whole dang album. And trust me, it is WORTH IT.

How can you not love that?

And not only is the band incredibly fun and unique, they're also ADORABLE. I mean, DANG, where have these guys been all my life.(I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, but I am totally in love with Jacob, the drummer XD) They recently acquired a new member, Dan who is super cool and I already love as much as the rest. And they're making video blogs. VIDEO BLOGS!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am.

What I would love love love love is to one day have them come to CT on a tour, get to see their concert, meet them, hug them and take pictures with them. Really, that's all I want. And maybe if they're still in CT we can have lunch.

Gah, I'm such a Pomegranates fangirl. This may be inspired by the fact that they posted a picture of all of them in a pool swimming and I may have fainted in pure joy. MAY being the key word here.

(Pictured: Kayla's heaven. gaaahhhh...)

Ahem, while I salvage what is left of my dignity, you can go check out their blog and see what all my fuss is about. They're really something, I promise :)


Kayla Mary

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I have some of the wackiest things happen.

Example: Today, I ordered chinese food from a place I don't normally go to, and my Dad only gave me one's to pay for the meal. So as I'm trying to count out $15.00 in one dollar bills and getting extremely frustrated, the lady at the counter grabs my arm, looks me deep in the eye and says "I understand. We all have to do what we can in this economy. Don't worry- I don't judge you. I'm sure you're a perfectly nice person. Not all of you are whores." and then it hit me- she thought I was a STRIPPER!

Yeah. This stuff actually happens in real life. I just stood there, kind of stunned, but she winked at me, gave me an extra egg roll, and shooed me on my way.

Apparently, price of my dignity = one eggroll.

Sigh. Oh well. Looking back, it is pretty hilarious. But I guess this brings me back to my blog title- NOT ALL BLONDES ARE BAD PEOPLE. Or whores. XD

That's my wacky story for the weekend, I promise a much meatier post (with pictures!) tomorrow. Seriously.

Kayla Mary

Friday, March 12, 2010

College Sophomores have invaded my house. Send more junk food to keep them distracted while I RUN!

Gah curse you Northeast weather. You got me all excited about spring, then you went back to rain and cold and ish. Well now I'm in the spring mindset, so I don't care what you think. So nyeh.

These past 2 weeks have been great. Our entire state has been doing CAPT testing, which sucks when you're an underclassman but rocks if you're not. Because you get to come in at 9:15. I've gotten so much done! Mainly sleeping, but that's important too!

But I've been planning my 18th birthday and I've realized- I REALLY want a septum ring. That would be the best present ever. However, something about piercings makes parents snap a little in their brains. When one of my friends turned 18 and got a nose piercing, her mom threw her out of the house....
So I'm being cautious. Maybe for my 20th birthday? sigh.

I think septum piercings are super duper pretty. Opinions? Stories? Facts? I'd like to know.

Oh, and here's a bad joke for your lovely friday:

Q: How do you have a party in space?
A: You Plan-et

(I have way too much fun with this :D)

Kayla Mary

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thank God I know how to juggle, or else I'd be eaten by lions.

Okay, so the title is a little misleading. Unfortunatly for you readers, I am not faced (daily) with situations where I might have to juggle my way out. Although, there are a lot of figurative lions in my life. High school is a wild, wild place.

Only 3 more months and I'm off to Plymouth State, where hopefully I'll be living one, grad, college-y adventure. Maybe I'll meet the man I love. Or maybe I'll get the job of my dreams! Or maybe I'll meet some friends that I'll have for the rest of my life. Who knows? But the mystery of my future only makes it more exciting :)

But, for random puposes, I decided to tell you 7 things that you would never be able to guess by looking at me.

1. I play ice hockey! I played for 6 years, but I took this year off to really focus on school. However, during college, I plan on getting right back on my skates with a fun intermural team!

2. My Mom and Dad are still in love. I know that's not really about me, but I like to think it's had a BIG impact on my life. They still go on dates and giggle and tackle each other on the couch. I really hope to find a love like theirs one day.

3. I have been told by a majority of people that I'm the best smelling person they know. Random, but for some reason, that's my favorite compliment

4. I love to draw! I especially love doing black and white ink drawings- there's something so satisfying about that black and white color combo. Also....some of my paintings are kind of macabre. Example: the painting I'm working on right now is of a teddy bear in a robot suit destroying a city with rainbow swords.

5. My favorite band in the entire universe is a band called the Pomegranates. They're a crazy awesome (and crazy adorable) indie alternative band. I will be mentioning them often in the future, as I am embarking on a mission to convince them to come to CT. As of right now, I am making them a care package to bribe them into coming to CT for April, since it tis the month of my birth :D

6. I love simple, quiet things. My house, my bed, painting, reading, walking, plain v-neck t-shirts skinny jeans flip-flops and a scarf.

7. My biggest dreams are to do something good for the world, and to one day plan amazing concerts. I already plan a pretty big musical event in my school, so I'm off to a good start!

I hope I have shocked and stunned you all with my exciting revalations.

Kayla Mary