Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's times like these when I question the functionality of my giant window

A random title, I know, but that's what was running through my head all day today. A little background- I have a really tall room. Like vaulted ceiling, giant lamp, the whole works. However, my room was very poorly designed. My heat vents are on the ceiling, and I have a GIANT window. Not that I don't love it, it's just- not very functional when it comes to extreme weather like today.

Not that today was very extreme. I've seen sneezes that dusted up more snow. Sheesh. Meanwhile the south is getting all the snow and all the attention. Guys- the storm LITERALLY circled around Connecticut. I was watching the dopplary radar going "WTF"
(to which my dad told me not to use that kind of language in the house.)

Not that it wasn't a good day. I got to catch up on sleep, homework and do a little networking for the blog, as well as make the design a littl prettier! you like?

But I actually ran outside and took some pictures of me frolicking in the snow for you guys-

A good day, I'd have to say.
What about you guys? Did you get hit with this big monster or did it just decide to ignore you too?

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