Saturday, February 6, 2010

Olive Garden- the McDonalds of Italian Food Restaurants

Today was a good day- I spent a majority of it sleeping and waiting for the snow that seemed to be falling everywhere in the country- that is, except Connecticut.
I feel left out. Where is our crippling weather? WHERE IS OUR 1-2 FEET OF SNOW?!

(actually, I take that back. I don't feel like being dragged out of my nice warm house to snowplow the 200 ft. that is the sidewalk in front of my house.)

Later we went to Olive Garden (which was so crowded you would think Judgement day was coming. "Last meal? WE'RE GOING TO OLIVE GARDEN.") And finally managed to clear off all the cobwebs we had formed while waiting and got to our table. 'Twas an excellent dinner, mostly because of the delicious free bread and good company.

I realized tonight how much I've really grown as a person and love and appreciate my friends. Example- my best friend Stevie. I've known this guy FOREVER, and we started becoming really close friends in 7th grade, and have been close ever since.

Now Stevie has a stutter and ADHD. I've known about the stutter since we've been friends and I really don't notice it anymore, and honestly you can barely tell he has ADHD. He's just THE NICEST GUY you will ever meet. He's so funny, so unbelievably nice, and so extremely positive. And I love that about him. People give him SO MUCH shit for being weird, and he just laughs it off. And you'd think people would lay off as we got older, but they really don't. But ever since we've become good friends, I BITE THE HEADS OFF people who make fun of him. One of the girls who we don't normally hang out with was at dinner and made fun of his stutter, and I wanted SO BAD to just let this girl have it. Unfortunately, we were in a public place. Don't worry though- I am confident this girl will get hers. ;D

This is one thing I truly hate about high school. The reaction to someone being different or having a disability is to treat them like a pariah.

This is something I'd really like to change in the word- the stigma against mental disorders. Because, frankly people, we're all a little different :)

Kayla Mary


  1. I know how you feel about the snow! In Toronto we have hardly any yet go an hour or so north and they have loads. And to make it worse they have had so much in England this year, everytime I talk to my mum she's like "have you had any snow?" "no" "well we've had even more"! How is this possible!!

    I now love visiting NYC too!! and now I'm really feeling like I want to do a roadtrip around California or something like that! lol.
    Giant toy store?? Umm we went to the Toys R Us with the ferris wheel (is this the one you mean?) that was really cool with the lego empire state building and statue of liberty, and the dinosaur etc. Ahh your so lucky living so close although it only takes an hour on the plane from Toronto!

  2. ROADTRIP! I did that once, I roadtripped up to PEI with my cousin! It was a pretty good time.

    However, I don't know about California. It seems to be God's punching bag. It's either covered in mud, shaking, or ON FIRE.

    And the Toys-R-Us is my favorite part, simply because I'm still a kid inside :) I have to say I love Broadway as well. Next time you go down definitly see a show! I recommend Avenue Q.

    Well I'm jealous that you live in Toronto! I <3 that city, its such a nice place!

  3. omg i am the SAME WAY about the snow! there is none here in plain old Georgia haha! just windy hot and cold days..some rain here and there..and nothing. haha. :) you're blog is adorable and thank you very much for following and for the sweet sweet sweet comment!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

