Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thank God I know how to juggle, or else I'd be eaten by lions.

Okay, so the title is a little misleading. Unfortunatly for you readers, I am not faced (daily) with situations where I might have to juggle my way out. Although, there are a lot of figurative lions in my life. High school is a wild, wild place.

Only 3 more months and I'm off to Plymouth State, where hopefully I'll be living one, grad, college-y adventure. Maybe I'll meet the man I love. Or maybe I'll get the job of my dreams! Or maybe I'll meet some friends that I'll have for the rest of my life. Who knows? But the mystery of my future only makes it more exciting :)

But, for random puposes, I decided to tell you 7 things that you would never be able to guess by looking at me.

1. I play ice hockey! I played for 6 years, but I took this year off to really focus on school. However, during college, I plan on getting right back on my skates with a fun intermural team!

2. My Mom and Dad are still in love. I know that's not really about me, but I like to think it's had a BIG impact on my life. They still go on dates and giggle and tackle each other on the couch. I really hope to find a love like theirs one day.

3. I have been told by a majority of people that I'm the best smelling person they know. Random, but for some reason, that's my favorite compliment

4. I love to draw! I especially love doing black and white ink drawings- there's something so satisfying about that black and white color combo. Also....some of my paintings are kind of macabre. Example: the painting I'm working on right now is of a teddy bear in a robot suit destroying a city with rainbow swords.

5. My favorite band in the entire universe is a band called the Pomegranates. They're a crazy awesome (and crazy adorable) indie alternative band. I will be mentioning them often in the future, as I am embarking on a mission to convince them to come to CT. As of right now, I am making them a care package to bribe them into coming to CT for April, since it tis the month of my birth :D

6. I love simple, quiet things. My house, my bed, painting, reading, walking, plain v-neck t-shirts skinny jeans flip-flops and a scarf.

7. My biggest dreams are to do something good for the world, and to one day plan amazing concerts. I already plan a pretty big musical event in my school, so I'm off to a good start!

I hope I have shocked and stunned you all with my exciting revalations.

Kayla Mary


  1. HI Kayla,

    I love your blog its super adorable! Your super adorable! I hope you don't mind if I follow!

  2. Ah! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it!

  3. I looked into Plymouth for college, back in the day (ugg I'm feeling old) It was my top choice at the time! I'm sure your going to love it there!
