Monday, March 8, 2010

Muse, Coffeehouse, Heartbreak and Everything in Between

GAH. I'M STILL ALIVE. Sheesh, it's been a damn while since I've posted. I apologize. Things have been less than perfect lately, but the sun is shining and I'm feeling muchly better.

Thing 1: If you remember a LONG while ago I was talking about my school play. Well that's done and gone, but we had a great performance! Record amount of people came, which was AWESOME. Plus, it was a comedy, which is just fun fun fun to perform.

Thing 2: Another record breaker- I'm the president of the "Unity Club" at my school, which is essentially a club that tries to raise money for various causes and charities and such. Well I have been working my BUTTOCKS off for weeks and when the coffeehouse finally came around, we had an excellent one! a large amount of people came, and we made over $350 for Haiti. Of course I had to be the great white shark and kick a few people out, but it was awesome. We had a girl do an acoustic cover of Bad Romance, a skit and a comedy routine, as well as many musical performers. Excellent!

Thing 3 MUSE CONCERT! I went to Boston with my big sister Erin to go see Muse and Silversun Pickups in concert and WOW. It was the best show I have ever been to. Absolutely INCREDIBLE. They played most of my favorite songs, and even though we were in the nosebleeds, I still had a great view. Although, I would have liked to have been close enough to see the sweat running off Matthew Bellamy's face. Did I mention I have the biggest crush on him ever? <3

Ah, I love him.
It was a wonderful day, we went up on Saturday to Cambridge to go vintage shopping and just wander 'round Boston. We then got delicious pizza, and buzzed off to the concert.
But I've got to see, that was one HELL of a show. If you ever get the chance to see them live, DO IT. They sound exactly like they do on their album, plus they're just straight up FANTASTIC.

Well that's enough updating for now. I promise to be more regular about updates. Plus, it's gone from winter to spring in 2.5 seconds here (it was 60 degrees today! in early March! it was awesome!) So you'll see some more pictures from the outside world.

Kayla Mary.

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